We are a registered charity run by an elected Committee of volunteers, mostly made up of parents and carers of children attending the Pre-School. The Committee work in partnership with staff to ensure the smooth running of the Pre-School.
The Committee is responsible for:
Supporting the senior staff in managing the Pre-School finances and personnel
Ensuring the Pre-School is compliant with all relevant legal and statutory legislation relevant to early years
Ensuring that the Pre-School has and works to policies and procedures which help it to provide a high quality service
Making sure that the Pre-School works in partnership with the children’s parents and carers
We depend very much on the goodwill of parents and their involvement with the Pre-School. Without the Committee the Pre-School would not be able to operate and would have to close.
Each volunteer member of the Committee will bring different skills which are invaluable to the running of Little Birch. Committee members have worked, or do work, in various industries, such as management, financial, secretarial or run their own businesses.
Others may have worked with children before, or in situations dealing directly with the public. The important thing is,
you don’t need any direct experience to make a difference.
If you are interested in joining our Committee or finding out more information you can get in touch with Alex, our Committee Chairperson, by using our Contact page.